Don't mention Hemingway

'"Don't mention Hemingway" is a play performed by Vivienne McKee who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ground·breaking war correspondent.
During the nine years of Martha Gellhorn's tempestuous relationship with Ernest Hemingway, he would often mock her by saying, "Uh - oh. Martha's of To take the pulse of the nation !"
ln fact she was taking the pulse of the world.
Women reporting the news today from Bosnia, Iraq or any other hot spot is not unusual. 60 years ago, it was. The days when a female journalist was considered a comtradiction in terms is long past thanks to the pioneering efforts of Gellhorn.
Today she is not considered a misfit. Her work as a war correspondent covering the Spanish Civil War to the. U.S invation of Panama at age 81 eamed her the respect of the media world. Only when the Bosnian war broke out in the 1990's did she concede that she was too old to go.
She was hailed as "one of the great war correspondents of the century; brave, fierce and wholly committed to the truth of the situation."
Though best known for her groundbreaking journalism. she was also an accomplished fiction writer, author of 5 novels, 14 novellas and 2 collections of short stories.
During her time covering the war in Spain she met Ernest Hemingway and they married in 1940. The marriage lasted five years, They lived on a farm in Cuba surrounded by dogs, cats and Hemingway's many hangers-on. The marriage ended when Gellhorn left Hemingway, the only of his wives to do so. ln later years she hated his name to be mentioned in interviews about her life and her extraordinary exploits.
Played at Teateret ved Sorte Hest, Vesterbrogade 150, 1620 København V, Denmark April 29. until May 9. 2014
Tickets 33310606, or