Shakespeare's Ghost

Shakespeare's Ghost

SHAKESPEARE’S GHOST“ written and directed by Vivienne McKee is a murder mystery based on the playwright who wrote the greatest works of English literature. Could Stratford-born Shakespeare, with his meagre education and ignorance of the aristocracy, have written "Hamlet“, "Henry 5", “Macbeth" ? Many believe he did not, and that he was the “ghost writer“ for his brilliant contemporary, Christopher Marlowe, supposedly killed in a pub fight at the height of his theatre success. 

Did Marlowe, who risked torture and execution, fake his own death and write the famous plays in hiding ? This play investigates Marlowe’s mysterious murder, and his connection to the man known as  - William Shakespeare. 

Starring David Bateson, Kevin Kiernan-Molly and Linford Brown. 

75 minutes without an interval.

Playing at 
Teatret ved Sorte Hest
Vesterbrogade 150
Copenhagen V  

Nov 8th - 27th 2024 

For Student Groups

Dear teachers, professors and theatre group organisers
Welcome to this teaching material for London Toast Theatre’s next production, Shakespeare’s Ghost at the lovely Teatret ved Sorte Hest, in which we play with the intriguing mystery of the Shakespeare authorship question;
who really wrote the gems of literature that still hold our intellect and imagination 400 years after their supposed author passed away.

Feel free to download the teaching material: Click here

For the fantastic offer for student groups starting at only 40 kroner pr. ticket please get in touch with Søren B. Petersen; +45 4053 4949 /

Listen to the latest Crazy Podcast:

Listen to this brand new episode of Crazy podcast to hear the Shakespeare’s Ghost team; Vivienne McKee, David Bateson, Linford Brown and Kevin Kiernan-Molloy tell about the new production of SHAKEAPEARE’S GHOST at the lovely Teatret ved Sorte Hest.

Reviews Shakespeare's Ghost 2016

Copenhagen Post

6 stjerner

A privileged evening in the company of the Bard, whoever he might be.
Vivienne McKee’s ‘Shakespeare’s Ghost’ is a triumph of wit and excitement that might
make you reconsider everything you know.


5 stjerner

På 75 minutter føres vi igennem fem små scener, hvor vi i den grad bliver nysgerrige på, hvad sandheden mon egentlig er.


4 stjerner

Fornøjelig engelsksproget teaterleg med mysterierne i Shakespeares liv og værker.


4 stjerner

Stykket tager os med tilbage til William Shakespeares samtid, hvor Vivienne McKee på intelligent og vittig vis rejser spørgsmålet, om Shakespeare virkelig skrev alle sine stykker selv ...her er virkelig stof til eftertanke.


4 stjerner

Shakespeare fejres overbevisende af London Toast Theatre...
Meget anbefalelsesværdig.

Out & About

4 stjerner

Vivienne McKe har skabt en fin lille forestilling, der giver anledning til god diskussion og pirrer din indre mysterielyst. I hendes instruktion er de tre skuespillere i sikre hænder, hvor der gives plads til det lyriske, og hvor mysteriet pirrer til ens nysgerrighed på at vide mere. - Små underfundige ordspil finder vej hist og her og understøtter tiden omkring Shakespeare.



Derimod fik det mig mest af alt til at ville vide mere, ikke bare om selve historien omkring Shakespeare og Marlowe og deres værker, men i særdeleshed om historierne i værkerne, som jeg fik lyst til at læse og dermed lære at kende endnu bedre.