Previous Shows
Last theatre season we celebrated our 40 years jubilee season, and this season we proudly took part in the celebration of Dansk Teater 300 år with our Crazy Christmas Cabaret no. 39 !
Below is a list of the Crazy Christmas Cabarets plus the other plays which have been presented since 1982.
Crazy Christmas Cabarets
– all written and directed by Vivienne McKee.
Set and costumes: All designed by Kirsten Brink since 1988
Choreographers: Michael Sandwick 1997 – 2003, Niclas Bendixen 2004 – 2008 and Peter Friis since 2009
Music Directors: Christian Dahlberg 1993 – 1998, Barrie Bignold 1999 – 2003, Peter During 2004 – 2009 and Stuart Goodstein since 2010
The House of Uhygge

For 40 years Vivienne McKee and her team of talented comedy actors have entertained you with their crazy antics, and this year they present a story of hilarious horror which will make you die laughing!
With vampires thirsty for blood, and monsters hungry for destruction, only those who are prepared to laugh their heads off will survive the House of Uhygge. In fact, if you die laughing, you will get your money back !
“The House of Uhygge” will send shivers of fear and laughter rattling down your spines. There is nothing like a good SCREEEAM and the reflex burst of laughter which follows it. So if you like to be shaken up and scared out of your wits then “THE HOUSE OF UHYGGE “ will give you lots to scream about !
The Crazy Christmas comedy team will take you on a nail-biting roller-coaster ride through the supernatural world of the greatest ghouls and ghastliest monster creations of all time, with its potent mix of sensational songs, silly slapstick, sexy sirens, dubious double entendres and daring dance numbers stirred up into a ghastly gruel of a crazy Gothic Horror Show.
It’s dead funny ! It’s fang-tastic! It’s oozing with biting satire !
Who killed Don Calzone

Forget your winter blues, and come to sun-soaked Miami Beach for the NEXT CHAPTER of our riotous Eighties gangster romp.
The Calzone family is again in crisis! Don Calzone has retired from the family business, but his successor is an unexpected and unpopular choice.
All hell breaks loose when a drug lord known as The Cuban, a family advisor known as The Danishman, and a millionaire businessman called Donald Dump, fight to influence the new Don Calzone.
Find out who makes it to the end of this new eighties riotous gangster romp, created by Vivienne McKee with her signature cocktail of classic Crazy Christmas (now for its 39th time!) with a triple shot of Coppola, Tarantino and Scorsese, shaken and not stirred, with a slice of pure British silliness.
This is “No Time to Die “ - but time to die laughing !
Enjoy this year’s best Tivoli roller-coaster ride, riddled with bullets, toe-tapping tunes, jokes, slapstick, satire, and best of all - oodles of audience participation !!
Tell Me About It

Have you been going Corona Crrrrr-azy ?
- Tell me about it !
“TELL ME ABOUT IT” is the title of Crazy Christmas 2021 !
After cancelling last year’s Crazy Christmas show because of the Lock Down, and following 4 turbulent years of Trump and Brexit, McKee & Co have for our 40 years theatre season jubilee decided to take you back to a happier decade - The Eighties !
From 1980 to 1989, there was an explosion of colourful clothes, big hair, big shoulders, disco, drugs, and terrific TV shows: Miami Vice, Dynasty, Dallas. Dazzling pop idols, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bowie, Abba and Elton, and the world was led by a movie star US president, a UK Iron Lady and a Glasnost Gorbachev. Reds hid under their beds, while ruthless mobsters made millions with organised crime.
This is the story of Don Calzone and his family:
Al Fresco, Dino, Dolce Vita and Cappuccino. They have been one of the most powerful Mafia families for decades, but now, in 1985, they are shocked to realise that times have changed.
Who will the Don choose to succeed him ?
At a Calzone anniversary party at the Funky Flamingo in Miami Beach, all hell breaks loose when a drug lord known as The Cuban kidnaps the family’s advisor, a young millionaire businessman, Donald Dump, arrives to buy a property on Palm Beach, and Don Calzone is finally forced to make an offer that IS refused.
Find out who makes it to the end of this eighties riotous gangster romp, created by Vivienne McKee with her signature cocktail of classic Crazy Christmas (now for its 38th time!) with a triple shot of Coppola, Tarantino and Scorsese, shaken and not stirred, with a slice of pure British silliness.
This is “No Time to Die “ - but time to die laughing !
Enjoy this year’s best Tivoli roller-coaster ride, riddled with bullets, toe-tapping tunes, jokes, slapstick, satire, and best of all - oodles of audience participation !!
The Three Brexiteers

Vivienne McKee is back - and she's crazier than ever!
“The Three Musketeers” gets the McKee treatment. Who knows how she does it, but this year she manages to transform this timeless tale into a hilarious, action-packed and deadly serious satire on Brexit !
In 17th century much-divided Europe, the nations attempt to form a treaty, but are thwarted by master manipulator, Cardinal Rich-luurgh and his alluringly spy, Milady de Whichway.
A boisterous band known as The Three Brexiteers - Atosser, Amorous and Porkpie, and a Parisian “gillet jaune" protester, Dame Babette Boumboum together with her niece, Constance Camembert, become involved in a terrorist action to bring down the Monarchy and divide Europe. Double crossings, conspiracies and fake news keep The Brexiteers on their toes as they fight enemies on both sides of the Channel. This year’s Crazy Christmas evokes a time when, in the immortal words of May-lady, “Brexit means Brexit“.
Starring Vivienne McKee, David Bateson, Andrew Jeffers, Bennet Thorpe, Jeff Bond, Katrine Falkenberg, Kevin Kiernan-Molloy and the ever–versatile Dr Van Helsingør.
Fogg's Off

Crazy Christmas is back - and it's crazier than ever!
The London Toast Theatre takes you around the world on a roller-coaster ride with the phenomenal Phileas Fogg and his formidable aunt, Lady Wilhemina Wobblebottom.
Staking his entire fortune on a bet, Fogg's bold "brexit" takes him from disunited Europe to inscrutable Asia, over enticing India and, to "trump" it all, across star-spangled America and the wild west.
Vivienne McKee turns Jules Verne's classic adventure into a "rundtosset" race against time. Full of songs, silly gags, slapstick and satire, the talented cast of six actors play dozens of characters in this popular show, which, after 35 years, is a unique and side-splittingly funny comedy experience.
Don't miss the Crazy Christmas Show - the only crazy way to enjoy Christmas!
Planet Rump - The Farce Awakens

In a Galaxy far too close for comfort, a huge orange planet threatens to destroy the known universe …. or not !
Could this be a FAKE phenomenon ?
Vivienne McKee & Co. take you to the edge of sanity and beyond with the 35th Crazy Christmas Show. Seriously silly satire, pithy parody and toe-tapping tunes plus a thrilling voyage launching you from your seats into space and across the cosmos give this show nothing less than a 500 Star rating !
Prepare for a bumpy ride as…. THE FARCE AWAKENS !!
Shakin' Up Sherwood

A theme full of what has made Britain great over the centuries… including the green english countryside, cream teas, warm beer, fish and chips, draughty medieval castles with no plumbing, and above all the kind of british hero who fearlessly and somewhat recklessly, fights, not only the nasty foreigners who try to invade our shores and the odd evil despot, but also the toughest foe of all - the english climate.
The theme includes of course Robin Hood and his Manly Men, but also a pure english virgin or two (although finding two is unlikely) and her loveable down-to-earth nurse.
What title could possibly cover all this?
You’ve probably guessed…
The 2016 CCC will be…
Starring lot's of Crazy LTT actors and a merry band of Toastie musicians.
Don't touch Nefertiti

Mummy unwrapping! Murder! Mystery! And a lot of sand....
2015, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
This year we take you away from our freezing Danish winter to the hot sands of Egypt. A group of eccentric Egyptology fanatics arrive in Cairo to search for the lost tomb of the most beautiful pharaoh of Ancient Egypt - the legendary Queen Nefertiti. But there is a skin-crawling curse on anyone who touches the 2,000 year old mummy! What will happen when these angst-ridden amateur archeologists break the seal and release the wrath of the pharaohs? Prepare for horror, murder, mayhem and madness! For monstrous mummies with huge mammaries, slithering snakes in de palms and psychopathic centipedes in denial (the Nile).
One-eyed Willy

and the Quest for the Big Chest
Hoist the Pirate Flag ! Vivienne McKee is back !! As Captain Cutthroat Kitty !!!
2014, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Join Vivienne McKee & Co. and come and kick booty in the Crazy Christmas 2014. Be prepared for a silly action-packed adventure full of goofy gags, sea-shanties, swashbuckling seamen, buried treasure, home-knitted mermaids and lots of “Yo Ho Ho and a Bottles of Rum “.

Vivienne McKee and her team of crazy comedy actors present “SMARTACUS”
- "flashing his weapon against Rome !"
2013, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
This year we go back to Ancient Rome with its sleazy slave markets and gory gladiator schools. Our smartass hero, Smartacus, lived his life like a "sandal in the wind". We watch wide-eyed as he manages to escape from bondage with a belligerent band of rebellious, salacious slaves. After years in Egypt building the pyramids or rowing eight days a week for twenty years in the galley ships, these slaves really are revolting ! They include Russellus Crowus, - a disgraced Roman suffering from an incurable down-under feeling, a Viking Warrior, Brian Bluetooth, and a good-time girl, Nymphomania and her bunga-bunga partner, Silvius Berlusconnius, who is less gladiator and more “glad-he-ate her”. This unlikely rebel army march across the boot of Italy, kicking and treading their sandalled feet on every unlucky Roman in their path.

2012, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Vivienne McKee wrote and directed the first CCC in 1982 - (she insists that she was 9 years old at the time !) and today, she and her team of comedy actors are definitely “still crazy after all these years“. In fact, even crazier, because this year Vivienne has decided, much against the wishes of her team, not to do a CCC at all ! Instead, she plans to make a Hitchcock movie.
A manuscript of an un-made Hitchcock film was recently discovered in a cupboard of the underwear department at a famous Hollywood Studio. Pages were torn or missing, and some had been used as stuffing for the fifties brassiere worn by the famous Hitchcock blonde, Tippi Hedren. When removed from the pointed bra cup and smoothed out, the title page revealed the name of the film: “The Psycho Birds who flew too much“.
Below The (Equatorial) Belt

2011, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Last year in “OH MY GOTH !” you screamed for your lives !! This year, in “BELOW THE (Equatorial) BELT” hold onto your nuts, ‘cos you’ll go bananas !
The Crazy Christmas Cabaret is really going below the belt this year - that is, of course, below the equatorial belt - when McKee & co visit the steaming jungle of Central Africa where men are men, and the gorillas look very nervous !
An African safari hunter, an alluring ape-expert and a fithy-rich financier decide to make an expedition through the unexplored rainforest in search of a missing climatologist and the Lost City Of Minj. They disagree about everything, but their only chance of survival in the hot inpenetrable jungle is to stick together. And stick they do !
How can they survive the horrors of man-eating plants, malaria-fuelled mosquitos, cheeky chimps, boisterous baboons, carniverous crocodiles, and a tribe of cannibals who want to show off their cooking skills - using them as the ingredients ?
On top of all this, they meet a lianer-swinging ape-man and a fat woman from Yorkshire in the missionary position! And then, just as things could not get worse, the equatorial jungle reveals an even greater horror ! Worse than their wildest nightmares !

2010, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Gangsters and blood-thirsty mobsters were my subject for last year’s crazy show “Mamma Mafia” - and this year I have decided to write about an even more grisly and gruesome genre ...HORROR !
People have always been thrilled by books and movies involving vampires, werewolves, monsters and inexplicable evil entities. Frankenstein , Dracula, and Dr Jekyll were created more than a hundred years ago and these characters and the myths which surround them are still popular. Today, teenagers love the rather tame vampire series, “ The Twilight Saga” and the home-made horror of “The Blair Witch Project “ and “Paranormal Activity”, while their parents still watch re-runs of the terrifying “Halloween” , “Jaws” and Hitchcock’s classic “Psycho” . There is nothing like a good SCREAM and the reflex burst of laughter which follows it !
So if you like to be shaken up, scared out of your wits or just plain horrified , hurry up and buy a ticket to see ”OH MY GOTH ! “ The show will give you lots to scream about - and , don’t worry, if you die laughing we ‘ll give you your money back !
The show is full of “UNSPEAKABLE HORROR !” and “YOUR FLESH WILL CRAWL..“ as you sit on the edge of your seat, the Crazy Christmas comedy team will take you on a nail-bitingly, scary ghost-train ride through the supernatural world of the greatest ghouls and ghastliest monster creations of all time , with its potent mix of sensational songs, silly slapstick, sexy sirens, dubious double entendres and daring dance numbers stirred up into a ghastly gruel of a crazy Gothic Horror Show.
It’s dead funny ! It’s fang-tastic! It’s oozing with biting satire !
So whatever else you do in the dark winter nights - don’t miss ” OH MY GOTH ! “
The most h-h-h- horrible show in town !
Mamma Mafia

2009, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
In the 1930's , Five poor Italian families struggled for survival on the streets of New York City. The Pepperonis, the Calzones and The Broccoli Brothers turned to organised crime. The Filofaxes turned to VERY organised crime.
Only one family tried to stay on the right side of the law. They came from a small town outside Rome, called Tivoli. This is their story.
This year, Vivienne McKee and her Crazy Christmas team of comedy actors come to grips with The Mafia !
In this hilarious, side-splitting spoof - that is riddled with as many gags as bullet-holes - our "goodfellas" go to war against the wise guys and the gun-toting gangsters who would fill you full of lead rather then pay for a cappucino. As they would say , " I don't pay for nothing - crime pays!"
The show is a dead-funny cocktail of all the Mafia Movie classics from "The Godfather" to "Pulp Fiction " but most of all, it is classic Crazy Christmas.
Hamlet's Private Dick

HAMLET’S PRIVATE DICK relates an adventure of Sherlock Holmes – “The Case of the Great Dane “ - in which the world’s most famous “private dick” is hired to solve the mystery of Hamlet’s father’s death!
2008, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
The crazy plot
London, 1948. The London Toast Theatre is preparing to take a production of “Hamlet” on tour to Denmark. During rehearsals of the play, the actor manager dies in mysterious circumstances and Sherlock Holmes is hired to investigate a possible case of murder !
The crazy show
A lethal cocktail of mirth, murder mystery and mayhem , with a dash of “hygge” ! The adventure takes Holmes away from his cosy Baker Street apartment to the creepy corridors of Kronborg Castle, where the great dick is forced to confront his greatest nightmare - not Dr van Helsingør from Elsinore - but his arch enemy, Professor Moriarty !
The crazy company
Written by Vivienne McKee and hilariously performed by her cast of comedy actors , this year’s show is a completely side-splitting, top-hat tipping, danish-dipping, aisle-rolling, musical extravaganza!
Fogg's Off!

2007, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
The English gentleman, Phileas Fogg and his French servant Passepartout set out on a daring (some would say crazy)- mission to travel around the world in 80 days.
Why does Detective Inspector Archibald Fix become obsessed with catching him and examining his particulars?
What is Fogg hiding? 'Why Is he beating around the bush? (even though Bush-beating can be so satisfying !)
How does lady Wilhemina Wobblebottom winkle her feminine way into Fogg's favours'! And what on earth is Dr van Helsingor from Elsinore doing blowing hot air into a balloon in Mlddlefart?
To find out - don't miss the fun as London Toast Theatre's troupe of crazy comedy actors take the audience on a thrilling tour around the world playing every character from Britain to Bangladesh via Hong Kong and Helsingør !
SHOUT hooray for the heroes and BOO for the bad guys!
LAUGH until you cry at the hilarious antics of the London Toast company as they attempt the impossible !- to race through Jules Verne's timeless story In just 80 minutes!
Bored of the Rings

2006, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
London Toast Theatre this year makes fun of Tolkien’s world of wizards, weirdos, dwarves and demons, and Vivienne McKee’s script is guaranteed to give us its usual mixture of quick-fire gags, slapstick, word plays, songs, toe-tapping dances and, most of all, complete craziness!
"Årets kick af crazy komik."
Randi K. Pedersen, B.T.
Look... no Hans!

2005, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
In H.C Andersen’s bi–centenary anniversary year, this was the ONLY SHOW in town with out H.C ! Actually there was masses about him, even though the show was set in a Banana Republic and was packed with mamba, caramba, salsa, sun, and sangria! Andrew Jeffers starred as a Latin American Presidente (reminding us of H.C. ‘s fairy tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes). Also starring David Bateson (Col. Nachos), Vivienne McKee (Lolita), Hara Yannis (Conception), Farshad Kholghi (Carlos).
"Ren scene deluxe fra de helt skrå brædder *****."
Lars Wredstrøm, Børsen
Who shot the sheriff

2004, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Election year in the U.S A.! Bush v. Kerry. The annual CCC is set in a cowboy town – Sheriff Gorge Brush (Anthony Straeger) wins an election to become Sheriff by shooting his rival, Johnny F Ketchup. The town is saved by the legendary law man, Wat A Twerp (David Bateson), his Danish side-kick; Dr van Helsingør from Elsinore (Vivienne McKee), The Cowboy with No Name (Niclas Bendixen) and Kathy Mary Lou Dolly Ketchup (Hara Yannis) to the relief of the Town’s womenfolk represented by The Dame (Andrew jeffers)

2003, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
The un-dead Transylvanian Count (David Bateson) aided by his vampire family (Vivienne McKee and Helen Tennison) leave a trail of blood and garlic across England. Finally destroyed by Dr van Helsingør and Renfield (Elliot Russo), to the delight of the Matron of the Hospital for Severely Mad Maniacs, Nurse Nellie Nutcracker (Andrew Jeffers).
"Det er en guldgrubbe af sjov *****"
Lars Wredstrøm, Børsen
Bent! The Gladiator

2002, Glassalen in Tivoli and Musikhuset in Aarhus.
Based on every “sword & sandals” film you have ever seen including “Ben Hur” - “Spartacus” and particularly “Gladiator”. Russellus Crowus (Bennet Thorpe) and other gladiators: Bent (David Bateson) and Asparagus (Mike Raffone) escape from the Gladiator School only to end up fighting in the Colosseum with a female gladiator, Madonnix (Tina Robinson Hansen) under the evil eye of Caligula, and his sister, Evilia (Vivienne McKee) - until finally Bent falls for the charms of the slave girl, Blondina (Helen Tennison), to the disappointment of The Dame – Salmonella (Andrew Jeffers).
"Bindegal og vellykket jule-kabaret - Årets Crazy Christmas Cabaret er et fint kunstnerisk divertissement på alle niveauer."
Lars Wredstrøm, Børsen
The Return of The Scarlet Fingernail

2001, Glassalen in Tivoli
– a tale of revolting peasants and even more disgusting aristocrats. Everyone loses their head in this show! Starring the usual suspects.
"Vivienne McKee og hendes skøre London Toast Theatre overgår sig selv i årets Crazy Christmas Cabaret."
Lars Wredstrøm, Børsen
Spaced Out

2000, Glassalen in Tivoli.
The turn of the century ! The year for Science Fiction ! SPACED OUT takes as its inspiration every science fiction film you have ever seen! Including Kubrick’s “2001” , “Armegedon”, “Star Wars” and “ Star Trek” starring the usual suspects: Vivienne McKee, David Bateson as Captain Dicard, Andrew Jeffers, Helen Tennison and Elliot Russo and featuring Michael Sandwick as the robot.
"Der er visse ritualer, der hører med til dansk jul. Nøddebo Præstegård er et af dem, kravlenisser et andet og efter 18 år er Crazy Christmas Cabaret kommet med i rækken."
Susanne Bernth, Berlinske Tidende
Never Say Bondage Is Not Enough

1999, Glassalen in Tivoli.
James Bond 007 (or Bondage as we had to call him for copyright) takes on villains and lovely ladies and proves that he is still “Licensed to Thrill” - starring the very suave and sophisticated David Bateson ( Daniel Craig eat your heart out!) and the usual suspects as well as a new face (and body!) - our gorgeous Bond girl , Bronwyn Loshak.
"Først blev det skægt.
Så meget skægt.
Så overdådigt skægt."
Gregers Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Ekstra Bladet
Tarzan - King Of Swingers

1998, Glassalen in Tivoli.
Our very first show in Tivoli’s magnificent theatre Glassalen ! It is a little known fact that Tarzan (David Bateson) , having been brought up by apes in the African jungle , was taught to speak in danish by Dr van Helsingør - this was not much use to him when he returned to England to run his Estates and retrieve his aristocratic title!
The show stars the usual team of top comedians from the London Toast Theatre plus Dave Evans as the very English, Earl of Greystoke.
"Uden sammenligning byens gladeste vanvid."
The Rise Of King Arthur

1997, Sceneriet in Det Ny Teater.
"- et overflødighedshorn af vanvid."
Me Lund, Berlinske Tidende
The Scarlet Fingernail

1996, Sceneriet in Det Ny Teater.
"Et stykke unikt kult-teater med fremragende, komiske præstationer."
Alexander Meinertz, Det Fri Aktuelt
The Secret Diary Of Robinson Crusoe

1995, Sceneriet in Det Ny Teater.
Sherlock Holmes and The Case Of The Great Dane

1994, Sceneriet in Det Ny Teater.
"Det er bare mega morsomt, London Toast Theatre overgår sig selv."
Paul-Jørgen Budtz, Ekstra Bladet
Bondage Is Back

James Bond 007 (or Bondage as we had to call him for copyright) takes on villains and lovely ladies and proves that he is still “Licensed to Thrill” - starring the very suave and sophisticated David Bateson (Daniel Craig eat your heart out!)
1993, Kridthuset
Dracula or A Pain In The Neck

1992, Kridthuset.
"Crazy Christmas Cabaret '92 er et knap tre timers langt ophold på London Toast Theatre's Mental Hospital for Severly Mad Maniacs. Det føles aldrig for langt. Faktisk ønsker man sig, at man kunne få lov til at blive rigtigt indlagt."
Me Lund, Berlinske Tidende
Oh, What A Knight

1991, Daddy's Dance Hall.
"Den eneste forestilling i verden, hvor man finder inspiration fra både Monty Python, Shakespeare, Marx Brothers og Jerry Lee Lewis."
Ebbe Iversen, Berlinske Tidende
Robinson Crusoe

1990, Daddy's Dance Hall.
"Levende og legende, velkendt og uforudsigeligt. Og det er byens bedste show."
Ebbe Iversen, Berlinske Tidende

1989, Daddy's Dance Hall.
"Vivienne McKee har gjort det igen og serverer det bedste julegrin i byen."
Jørgen Flindt Petersen, Det Fri Aktuelt

The un-dead Transylvanian Count (David Bateson) aided by his vampire family (Vivienne McKee and Helen Tennison) leave a trail of blood and garlic across England. Finally destroyed by Dr van Helsingør and Renfield (Elliot Russo) , to the delight of the Matron of the Hospital for Severely Mad Maniacs , Nurse Nellie Nutcracker ( Andrew Jeffers)
1986, Slukefter in Tivoli.
Jack And The Beanstalk
1982, Caféteatret.
The first ever Crazy Christmas Cabaret. Based on the traditional British Pantomime - full of jokes, songs and slapstick humour.
Other Shows
Shirley Valentine - Willy Russell
Vivienne McKee stars as Shirley Valentine in this witty comedy about a fun-loving woman trapped in “lockdown“ dull domesticity. Married to an unthinking husband and distanced from her selfish grown-up children, Shirley is forced to talk to a wall for company.
We meet her in the prison of her kitchen where she is cooking supper for her husband. She keeps the blues at bay with a bottle of wine and her infectious wit. What follows is an odyssey, a voyage of self-discovery, as she takes the “wall” into her confidence and relates hilarious anecdotes of her youth, motherhood and marriage. Suddenly she reveals that she has been offered a chance to escape her routine existence. But what would happen if she dares to break out and find her true self ?
Oh Baby - It’s Cole
Evergreens including "Night and Day", "I get a Kick out of you", "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" sung by icons like Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga, George Michael , Iggy Pop, Tom Waits and Robbie Williams, are just a few of the 1200 songs created by the man hailed as the best lyricist/composer of the twentieth century. Cole Porter led a champagne-popping social life, he was close friends with film stars, princes and pop idols, but privately his life was quite different...
"Oh Baby, it's Cole" is Vivienne McKee's entertaining, toe-tapping cabaret show based on the incomparable music and sophisticated life of Cole Porter. It tells the story of Cole's life through his songs, and invites the audience to appreciate his clever use of the English language as well as his brilliantly innovative melodies.
The songs are interpreted by a superb ensemble of well-known singers, including Katrine Falkenberg, Nicoline Siff Møller, Sebastian Harris and Leo Andrew from London's West End.
Vivienne McKee is the narrator, and Stuart Goodstein the musical director in this rare glimpse into the real story of a musical genius.
Hamlet - Shakespeare
Trapped between Enlightenment and Downfall
London Toast Theatre and HamletScenen was the proud co-producers of Hamlet at Shakespeare Festival at Kronborg Castle in August 2017.
The clash between the new and the old world is raging. Brutal traditions are facing the challenge of knowledge and education, and hierarchies are on the point of toppling, when the ideological, impassioned exchange student, Hamlet returns home from the University of Wittenberg to attend his father’s funeral in Kronborg.
Vivienne McKee is starring as Gertrude together with Cyron Melville as Hamlet and Natalie Madueño as Ophelia in this international Nordic Noir production of William Shakespeares masterpiece.
Mike Sheridan has composed the score for the show (read more on

Marvelously mashed and cleverly cut to create a modernist classic ‘Hamlet’ ★★★★★★
Read the review in English •

En anden side af Vivienne McKee og ny musik fra Mike Sheridan er med til at gøre denne sommers opsætning af Hamlet på Kronborg til en enestående oplevelse. HamletScenen præsenterer i samarbejde med London Toast Theatre Hamlet på Shakespeare Festival 2017.
Vivienne McKee i en helt anden rolle
Engelskfødte Vivienne McKee har for længst vundet publikums hjerter med sin crazy komik. Nu kan hun opleves i en helt anden rolle: Til sommer spiller hun Hamlets mor Gertrud i Shakespeare Festivals internationale opsætning af Hamlet i en helt ny bearbejdning. Forestillingen har verdenspremiere 1. august 2017 på Kronborg Slot og spiller frem til den 19. august 2017.
Vivienne McKee udtaler: ”Gertrud er en af de vigtigste kvinder i dramatisk historie. Hun er dronning af Danmark, Kong Hamlets enke, nygift hustru til kongens bror, Claudius, og mor til Hamlet, prins af Danmark. Alt i alt er hun både årsag og virkning til Hamlets handlinger, og som sådan et dramatisk omdrejningspunkt i Hamlet. At spille rollen som Gertrud med Kronborg Slot som baggrundskulisse er en uimodståelig mulighed.”
Instruktør på opsætningen af Hamlet, og kunstnerisk leder på HamletScenen, Lars Romann Engel, glæder sig til at arbejde med Vivienne McKee. Han udtaler: ”Vivienne McKee er en spændende og karismatisk skuespillerinde, som har en stor og alsidig scenekunstnerisk erfaring med sig i kraft af sit virke både i England og Danmark. Vivienne i rollen som Gertrud er et scoop for produktionen, og hun vil helt sikkert sætte ild til den berømte karakter med overraskende styrke og vovemod.”
Vivienne McKee er kendt i den brede offentlighed som lattermild frontfigur i de årlige Crazy Christmas Cabaret’s, der siden 1980’erne er blevet en fast juletradition for tusindvis af danskere, som hvert år griner julen ind sammen med London Toast Theatre i Tivolis Glassal. Vivienne McKee er uddannet skuespiller fra The Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, som blev etableret af den store skuespiller og Shakespearefortolker Sir Laurence Olivier i 1946. Hun har gennem årene medvirket i en lang række Shakespeareproduktioner. Vivienne McKee flyttede til Danmark i 1980, hvor hun sammen med sin mand, Søren Hall, etablerede London Toast Theatre i 1982.

Shakespeare's Ghost

In March 2016, to mark the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, The London Toast Theatre presents the world premiere of the play “SHAKESPEARE’S GHOST “ written and directed by Vivienne McKee.
The play examines the mystery surrounding the playwright who wrote the greatest works of English literature. Could the son of a glove-maker from the village of Stratford-on-Avon have written Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear?
This play reveals an astonishing side of the man known as William Shakespeare.
Starring David Bateson, Bennet Thorpe and Linford Brown.
TEATRET VED SORTE HEST February 29th - March 19th 2016

London Toast Theatre, the English Theatre of Copenhagen, presents a staged reading of Michael Frayn's award-winning play "Copenhagen" about the mysterious war-time meeting in 1941 between the two Nobel Prize winning scientists, the Danish physicist Niels Bohr and the German physicist, Werner Heisenberg .
They collaborated on crucial work leading to the creation of the atomic bomb used to end the war in 1945. The playwright re-imagines this extraordinary meeting and tests our feelings on the moral responsibilities of scientists .
Vivienne McKee has adapted and directed this edited version of the play - starring Tony Wedgwood as Bohr, David Bateson as Heisenberg and Vivienne McKee as Margrethe Bohr.
Performed in the garden of Carlsberg Academy 22 - 25 June 2014 in connection ESOF – Euroscience Open Forum - The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
Killing the Danes

Killing the Danes is an amusing examination of the Nordic Noir phenomenon and asks why the Danes are called the happiest people in the world when a viewing of just one episode of The Killing is enough to wipe the smile off any- one’s face.
Why do the Nordic people write creepy crime novels and create dark TV series and yet love to laugh at everything from Benny Hill to Monty Python?
In an attempt to shed light on this conundrum the Anglo- Danish actor/writer, Vivienne McKee, shares with the audience her unique insider knowledge of all things nordic, and attempts to explain what makes the Scandis such a humorous, miserable bunch.
Teatret ved Sorte Hest, June 18-20, 2014
Don't mention Hemingway

'"Don't mention Hemingway" is a play performed by Vivienne McKee who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ground·breaking war correspondent. The play commenced its world wide tour at "The Box", Folketeatret in Copenhagen in march 2006. Now going to Riversidestudios in London and festivals all over the world; Edinburgh, Toronto, Ottawa and more.
During the nine years of Martha Gellhorn's tempestuous relationship with Ernest Hemingway, he would often mock her by saying, "Uh - oh. Martha's of To take the pulse of the nation !"
ln fact she was taking the pulse of the world.
Women reporting the news today from Bosnia, Iraq or any other hot spot is not unusual. 60 years ago, it was. The days when a female journalist was considered a comtradiction in terms is long past thanks to the pioneering efforts of Gellhorn.
Today she is not considered a misfit. Her work as a war correspondent covering the Spanish Civil War to the. U.S invation of Panama at age 81 eamed her the respect of the media world. Only when the Bosnian war broke out in the 1990's did she concede that she was too old to go.
She was hailed as "one of the great war correspondents of the century; brave, fierce and wholly committed to the truth of the situation."
Though best known for her groundbreaking journalism. she was also an accomplished fiction writer, author of 5 novels, 14 novellas and 2 collections of short stories.
During her time covering the war in Spain she met Ernest Hemingway and they married in 1940. The marriage lasted five years, They lived on a farm in Cuba surrounded by dogs, cats and Hemingway's many hangers-on. The marriage ended when Gellhorn left Hemingway, the only of his wives to do so. ln later years she hated his name to be mentioned in interviews about her life and her extraordinary exploits.
Teatret ved sorte Hest , Tivoli March 2014 and on tour from May 2014
Viva Vivienne

This time she feels old and wise enough to let it all hang out – (let’s hope not literally !)
In her own hilariously funny style, she tells us how it really feels
- - to still feel like an an immigrant in Denmark after 30 years (in English of course ! )
- - to manage to still live with the same Dane who brought her here in the first place …although Danes now have the highest statistic in the world for living alone
- - to run an English-speaking theatre company in a country where many would like Pia Kjærsgaard to be culture minister
- - to finally come out of the closet as a sixty year old woman.
Cosmetic surgery, parking, girlfriends, relationships, religion, fashion, politics, sex, pornography, fitness, food and the financial crisis, and more!!!
- all come under the screwball scrutiny of this delicious diva who gives us a glimpse inside her wild and wonderfully madcap mind.
- all this plus - special guests!! Songs and the audience’s active involvement !
Let’s face it you’ll never look at a rød pølser in the same way again !
"Vivienne McKee - den dejligste engelsktalende diva på denne side af nordsøen"
Jakob Steen Olsen, Berlingske Tidende
Vivienne is unplugged and prepared to sizzle as a solo stand up sensation on the splendid Glassalen stage in TIVOLI
(17 - 20 MARCH 2010)
Don't mention Hemingway

'"Don't mention Hemingway" is a play performed by Vivienne McKee who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ground·breaking war correspondent. The play commenced its world wide tour at "The Box", Folketeatret in Copenhagen in march 2006. Now going to Riversidestudios in London and festivals all over the world; Edinburgh, Toronto, Ottawa and more.
During the nine years of Martha Gellhorn's tempestuous relationship with Ernest Hemingway, he would often mock her by saying, "Uh - oh. Martha's of To take the pulse of the nation !"
ln fact she was taking the pulse of the world.
Women reporting the news today from Bosnia, Iraq or any other hot spot is not unusual. 60 years ago, it was. The days when a female journalist was considered a comtradiction in terms is long past thanks to the pioneering efforts of Gellhorn.
Today she is not considered a misfit. Her work as a war correspondent covering the Spanish Civil War to the. U.S invation of Panama at age 81 eamed her the respect of the media world. Only when the Bosnian war broke out in the 1990's did she concede that she was too old to go.
She was hailed as "one of the great war correspondents of the century; brave, fierce and wholly committed to the truth of the situation."
Though best known for her groundbreaking journalism. she was also an accomplished fiction writer, author of 5 novels, 14 novellas and 2 collections of short stories.
During her time covering the war in Spain she met Ernest Hemingway and they married in 1940. The marriage lasted five years, They lived on a farm in Cuba surrounded by dogs, cats and Hemingway's many hangers-on. The marriage ended when Gellhorn left Hemingway, the only of his wives to do so. ln later years she hated his name to be mentioned in interviews about her life and her extraordinary exploits.
Boxen, Folketeatret from March 20th 2006
The importance of being Earnest - Oscar Wilde

"Elskere af 'Bunbury' vil nyde forestillingen, også i denne bearbejdede udgave, og nye fans kan sagtens begynde her"
Henrik Lyding, Jyllands Posten
Glassalen, Tivoli from March 2nd 2004
Mac' n 'Beth - a new version of Shakespeare's MacBeth - Vivienne McKee

"London Toast Theatres opførelse af Shakespeares blodige drama er skåret ned til et intenst ægteskabsdrama i en enkel og meget virkningsfuld opsætning."
Susanne Bernth, Berlingske Tidende.
Teater Sthyr & Kjær 2001
MORE ABOUT Mac' n 'Beth - a new version of Shakespeare's MacBeth - Vivienne McKee
Educating Rita - Willy Russell

by Willy Russel 2000, Teater Sthyr & Kjær
"Vidunderlig engelsk ironi, der uden unødig domagtik får folk til at tænke"
Randi K. Pedersen, BT
Teater Sthyr & Kjær 2000
Conversations in Hollywood - Rob Long

" En parodisk gengivelse om en TV-series og en ung forfatters vej gennem succes og fiasko"
Henrik Lyding, Jyllands Posten
Teater Sthyr & Kjær 1999
Dead Serious - Doug Greenall

"Et fint eksempel på excellent teaterhåndværk.......publikum var skrækslagne."
Paul-Jørgen Budtz, Ekstra Bladet
Sceneriet, Det Ny Teater 1998
Intimate Exchanges 1 - Alan Ayckbourn

Sceneriet in Det Ny Teater 1995
Betrayal - Harold Pinter

1994, Palads.
"Blændende forblædended (Sprog) beherskelse af de urovækkende følelser, den sjælespænding, det bedrag og selvbedrag, der ligger og flyder under overfladen, hinsides det talte, mellem ordene."
Per Theil, Berlinske Tidende
Macbeth - Shakespeare

1993, Kridhuset.
"Flot Macbeth på engelsk satser på fart og action."
Michael Bonnesen, Politiken
As you like it - Shakespeare

1992, Kanonhallen.
"Let, elegant og charmerende, en elskværdig komedie med tungen i kinden og et selvironisk glimt i øjet."
Michael Bonnesen, Politiken
Table Manners - Alan Ayckbourn

1991, Palads.
"Nederdrægtig, overbevisende og hjertlig."
Iben Danielsen, Frederiksborg Amts Avis
Between East and West - Richard Nelson

A Czeck couple flee from Prague to New York City and try to begin a new life in a strange country.
Swimming Pools at War - Yves Navarre

1987, Comediehuset
"Storartet komediespil."
Viggo Sørensen, Jyllandsposten
Insignificance - Terry Johnson

1987, Comediehuset.
"En stram, vittig og ligefrem gribende lille forestilling."
Bettina Heltberg, Politiken
Game, Set & Match - devised by Vivienne McKee

by Fay Weldon, Harold Pinter a.o.
1986 & 1987, Comediehuset.
"Vittig, skarp og intelligent cabaret."
Christian Braad Thomsen, Fredag
S'Wonderful - Vivienne McKee

a Gershwin Cabaret by Dudley Stevens.
1986, Søpavillionen.
A cabaret based on the lifes and works of George and Ira Gershwin, featuring thier famous evergreen songs including, "I've Got Rhytm", "Our Love Is Here To Stay" and "The Man I Love" performed by Vivienne McKee and Dudley Stevens.
Woza Albert - Percy Mtwa

by Percy Mtwa, Mbongeni Ngema & Barnley Simon.
1985, Cafeteatret.
"Sprudlende og engagerende sort satire i en energisk fremført forestilling."
Birgitte Bartholdy, Frederiksborg Amts Avis
Annie Wobbler - Arnold Wesker

1985, Comediehuset.
"Det er Vivienne McKee på comediehuset og hendes flotte præstation sikrer i sig selv at forestillingen bliver seværdig... glimrende hele vejen igennem..."
Ebbe Iversen, Berlinske Tidende
When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

1984, Saltlageret.
A middle-aged English couple prepare for a Nuclar Bomb attack by following the goverment's official "Protect and Survive" brochure.
Lie Detectors - Natalie Meltzer

1984, Betty Nansens Balkonscene.
"Poetisk livlige billeder af et kompliceret kærlighedsforhold."
Kjerstin Noren, Information.
MORE ABOUT Lie Detectors - Natalie Meltzer
Man Friday - Adrain Mitchell

1983 & 1984, Københavneren and on tour.
"Det er altid rart at være i godt selskab i teatret."
Ebbe Mørk, Politiken
Decadence - Steven Berkoff

1983, Comediehuset.
Steven Berkoff's amusing and disturbing study - in verse - of an upper class couple's disintegrating relationship in London in the eighties.