Crazy Christmas 2018
Crazy Christmas is back - and it's crazier than ever !
The London Toast Theatre takes you around the world on a roller-coaster ride with the phenomenal Phileas Fogg and his formidable aunt, Lady Wilhemina Wobblebottom.
Staking his entire fortune on a bet, Fogg's bold "brexit" takes him from disunited Europe to inscrutable Asia, over enticing India and, to "trump" it all, across star-spangled America and the wild west.
Vivienne McKee turns Jules Verne's classic adventure into a "rundtosset" race against time. Full of songs, silly gags, slapstick and satire, the talented cast of six actors play dozens of characters in this popular show, which, after 35 years, is a unique and side-splittingly funny comedy experience.
Don't miss the Crazy Christmas Show - the only crazy way to enjoy Christmas!
Playing in Glassalen, Tivoli
Nov 13th 2018 - Jan 5th 2019
Hermans, Tivoli Friheden
Jan 9th - 12th 2019
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Reviews 2018
The Copenhagen Post ★★★★★★
The show’s comedy works extremely well against the backdrop of Verne’s adventure. Rarely have I witnessed Glassalen erupt with as much laughter as it did throughout the course of ‘Fogg’s Off’!
Danmarksbloggen ★★★★★★
Årets Crazy Christmas Cabaret er en hæsblæsende, morsom, spiddende – og rørende – tur rundt om vores lille klode. Seks luftballoner ud af seks mulige får den af Danmarksbloggen.
Med sædvanlig charme og bid kom vi også ind på Brexit og andre aktuelle emner, som det er godt at lave spøg med, men som også har noget mørkere toner, og det blev kommenteret på den mest fine og poetiske måde.
Out & About ★★★★★★
Julen nærmer sig og ingen rigtig jul uden Crazy Christmas Cabaret i Tivoli. Og det er en af de bedste af slagsen vi til dato har set.
Sjov historie, godt flow og mere satirisk og mere queer end nogensinde før.
Magasinet Kbh ★★★★★
’Fogg’s Off’ er noget af det sjoveste, der længe er set i Glassalen, og et håb om at den satiriske musikalske juletradition har mange flere år foran sig. 35 More Years! Make Christmas Great Again!
XQ28 ★★★★★
Det er et kærligt hold på scenen, og det skal nok varme i den søde juletid der kommer. Orkestret sørger også for mængder af god velspillende stemning.
Årets Crazy Christmas Cabaret tangerer det bedste nogensinde – lad os håbe at det langt fra bliver den sidste!
Frederiksborg Amts Avis ★★★★★
De otte meget livfulde aktører og Stuart Goodsteins tre mand i musiklogen underholder publikum for fuld udblæsning. Jo bedre man som tilskuer er til engelsk, desto sjovere bliver det, men skulle der smutte en finte, så er der uafbrudt noget at se på under denne usædvanlige jordomrejse.
Knud Cornelius
Kulturkupeen ★★★★★
Direktøren for det hele og chefen, skribenten, instruktøren og tidligere hovedaktør er den formidable Vivienne MCKee. Hun kan noget med ord, musik og sang – og så er der altid så mange underforståede dirty jokes med, at mit begrænsede vokabularium på engelsk melder pas. Jeg forstår faktisk ikke alt. Alligevel elsker jeg Crazy Christmas Cabaret og er spændt som et barn før hver ny premiere.
Ulla Strømberg
Det händer ★★★★★
Att beskriva CCC är i stort sett omöjligt. Det måste upplevas på plats men ta en nypa engelsk music hall och en näve Monty Python´s tidigare produktioner så hamnar du något sånär rätt. Lägg där till musikaliska inslag och en inbjudan till publiken att vara delaktig med välplacerade interaktioner så har du grundformatet för en lyckad CCC. Och det är just interaktionen med publiken som gör CCC så speciell och gör att de återkommer år efter år och drar med sig ungdomarna.
POV ★★★★★
Der er tilstrækkelig overskudsagtig silliness, der tilfredsstiller alt det, jeg som – det indrømmer jeg gerne – trofast publikum til denne juletradition kan forvente.
Ud over Trump-parodien er der hip til Brexit, russisk collusion og bankernes etiske retningslinjer, men Fogg’s Off er ikke særlig bidsk satire. Stilen er i højere grad silly. Men det er værd at huske, at briterne kan være silly på en særdeles intelligent måde.
Jyllands-Posten ★★★★
Naturligvis var dette års kabaret fyldt med nutidigt relevante figurer, som Count Vladimir Butin og President Ronald Rump, der fodrede satiren med velvalgte, politiske giftigheder.
Nanna Frank Rasmussen
Berlingske / AOK ★★★★
London Toast Theatre proklamerede sidste år, at det efter 35 år var slut med sex og spas og Crazy Chritmas Cabaret. I Glassalen - og i det hele taget. Brexit - midt i Tivoli. Men så ændrede Vivienne McKee og hendes trofaste undersåtter alligevel mening. Back by public demand! Tak for det: Det var jo lige før, man troede, det aldrig skulle blive jul igen.
Alt er tilbage ved det gamle, og sådan skal det være. Same procedure as every year.
Jakob Steen Olsen
Ungt Teaterblod ★★★★
Særligt kommentarerne til Storbritanniens Brexit-situation og USA’s præsident Trump er skarpe. Det er i disse højaktuelle scener, at årets Crazy Christmas: Fogg’s Off! rigtig bliver skarp – og sjov!
CphCulture ★★★★
der er både et godt tempo og et fint flow over forestillingen, en moderne gendigtning af Jules Vernes' uopslidelige "Jorden rundt i 80 dage"
Morten Buckhøj ★★★★
I det store hele leverer årets Crazy Christmas Cabaret varen. Vivienne McKee og co. gives the people what they want, og det er langt hen af vejen vældigt morsomt og veloplagt serveret. Ægte toasties vil givetvis elske det.
(READ MORE: ★★★★
Jules Vernes’ kendte roman får en flyvende start i samspil med seks sprudlende skuespillere i en åbning, som sætter publikum i scene til genren inden for cabaret og musical. Hvis man ikke kendte til genren, inden man satte sig til rette, blev man hurtigt klogere; sange, sketches, satire i skøn forening tager blandt andet det seneste års politiske stof under bearbejdning.
Folketidende ★★★★
For mange københavnere – og lige så mange tilrejsende, også fra vores område – en uundværlig optakt til julen. Og vi bliver ikke skuffede. Vi får nemlig lige præcis, hvad vi er blevet lovet: En tosset julekabaret i allerhøjeste gear fra de medvirkende skuespillere.
KOP kultur ★★★★
- intet mindre end subtil satire i verdensklasse.
Fogg’s Off’: Yes! Crazy Christmas Cabaret er tilbage. Og det i bedste velgående.
JPS Media
Vare sig du ser Crazy Christmas för första gången eller tjugoförsta gången så är det en upplevelse du sent glömmer. Ok – du ska ha koll på vad som händer runt om i världen men även lite grann om vad som hänt i Danmark.
Michael Lindström
Crazy Christmas Cabaret…vinder meget ved skuespillernes overskud, for eksempel når de ikke kan lade være med at grine ad egne jokes og ved genrens eksotiske britiskhed. Mere af den slags kulturel appropriation, tak!
Marta Sørensen
Production Team - Crazy Christmas Cabaret 2018
Vivienne McKee - WRITER & DIRECTOR
Vivienne founded the English Theatre of Copenhagen - London Toast Theatre in 1982. She writes and directs the Crazy Christmas shows every year and also plays: “Don't Mention Hemingway”, “Shakespeare’s Ghost”. Her Danish TV and theatre includes “Langt fra Las Vegas”, “Ørnen”, “Young Frankenstein” for Fredericia Teater and Gertrude in “Hamlet” at Kronborg Castle, which was shown on Danish television. Her voice instructs Agent 47 in the international computer game “Hitman” and gives information on DSB trains. Her Stand Up is ideal for international companies who want to find out more about the Danes. She loves to travel around the world and her carbon footprint is shamefully high. The question often is: “Where’s Vivienne?“ And the reply is: “Vivienne’s Off !”
This is Kirsten’s 31st CCC show - a record in theatre history for a direc- tor/designer team. Vivienne says that she cannot imagine doing a CCC without her! Her inventive CCC costumes and stage sets are legen- dary. Kirsten graduated from Kolding Kunsthåndværkerskole in 1982 as a set and costume designer and began working with Vivienne in 1988. She has designed for other theatre companies including Folketeatret, Vendsyssel Teater, Hjørring Revy, Nytårskoncert. She travels as often as she can, drawing inspiration from all the countries she visits. The proof of this is in this year’s extraordinary costumes from all over the world.
This is Peter's 11th Crazy Christmas Cabaret. He is a pivotal part of the CCC team with his inventive and hilarious dance numbers. Peter never stops! This year he has choreographed around the world – “Midt om Natten”, “Kærlighed ved første hik”, “The Devils apprentice”, “Nisseban- den” all in Denmark and “A night in Venice” in Oman.
“Dance with me, you will” says Peter and you can become his appren- tice for free - at
Cast - Crazy Christmas Cabaret 2018
David Bateson
David is the longest running actor of the Crazy Christmas Shows. And “running” is the word. After 28 years he is still rushing around on stage and backstage making lightening costume and wig changes in numerous roles, not to mention, this year, all the different accents from Chinese and German to his impersonation of Donald Trump. After all that rush-
ing around, his travel dream is to find a beach somewhere
in the world and go surfing. When he is not performing his comedy skills in the CCC every year, he appears in Danish TV series and films. Best known as the voice of Agent 47 in the worldwide hit computer game, “Hitman”, he also adds his voice to many international commercials. David is delighted by “all the laughter and fun times in the CCC and appreciates the love shown over the years by our wonderful audiences.”
Henrik Lund
This is Henrik’s 3rd CCC. Henrik is a Danish actor, singer, dancer
and choreographer. In 2012 he won the Reumert Award for
Best Supporting Actor for his role as Cosmo Brown, in “Singin’ in the Rain” at Det Ny Teater. He has appeared in the variety show, Wallmans, and family musicals “Annie Get your Gun”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Chicago”, “The Producers”, “Mary Poppins”, “Book of Mormon”
and “Anything Goes”. He wants to go around the world if He ever gets the time and the money, and hopes
that Phileas Fogg will pay.
Bennet Thorpe
This is Bennet’s 12th Crazy Christmas. He went to the
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and then worked in tele-
vision, and played the leading role in the popular kid’s TV
series “Captain Mack”. Vivienne spotted him and he became
a regular performer in the Crazy Christmas Cabaret, finally making Denmark his home. He has also performed at the Bådteatret with “Why Not Theatre” and at Teatret Ved Sorte Heste as Christopher Marlowe in McKee’s play “Shakespeare’s Ghost” and at Kronborg Castle celebrating Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary. His favourite CCC is “Oh My Goth”.
Katrine Falkenberg
“Fogg’s Off” is Katrine’s 11th CCC show and she has loved
being in every single one of them. She has played many different characters, worn fabulous costumes, funny wigs, sung wonderful songs and kicked her legs in crazy dances - what’s not to love? “Bored of the Rings” is her first and favourite show, in which she played Lady Guinevere and Spam the hobbit! Katrine provides voices for many cartoons, TV series and commercials. She released her jazz album “I de Små Timer” in 2017 and tours with her jazz band.
She travelled around the world in 1995 in 7 adventurous months. “Fogg’s Off” has inspired her to try it again!
Rikke Hvidbjerg
Trained at Det Danske Musical Akademi in Fredericia. She has played the musical field for more than fifteen years, appearing in shows such as “Tivoli Tam Tam”, “Grease”, “Lizzie”, “Elsk Mig I Nat”,“Cabaret” and “American Idiot”. She’s been touring with Rasmus Seebach and backed Sanne Salomonsen, Anna David, Shirley and Linda P on both stage and albums. This is her 3rd CCC. She says: “I love the music, the crazy actors, the great musicians and all the laughs we have during rehearsals and on stage.” Playing Princess Aysha has inspired her to go to India, but she hopes not to end up on a Funeral pyre!
Andrew Jeffers
Andrew has been an actor for over 25 years, and has enjoyed dressing up in the elaborate costumes as Vivienne’s “Dame” in no less than 20 CCCs. He appeared in various British TV soaps, plays and musicals before moving permanently to Copenhagen. Now he is a voice-over speaker for commer- cials and documentaries. Andrew has been playing Polonius in “Hamlet Live” at Kronborg Castle for 3 years, He says: “My favourite show was Bored of the Rings in 2006, and there are moments in all the shows that are memorable. The Princess Leia bikini I wore In “Planet Rump“ last year was outrageous and enjoyed by all the audience”. Like Fogg, Andrew loves to travel as much as he can, but without a time limit.
Jefferson Bond
Jefferson graduated from East 15 Acting School with a first class honours degree in Acting and Physical Theatre. Since leaving drama school he has toured internationally, appeared in films and at fringe festivals. This is Jeff’s 3rd Crazy Christ- mas Cabaret and there is no place he would rather be than performing in Tivoli. His favourite CCC is Planet Rump - The Farce Awakens in which he played Luke Skystalker. Currently Jeff is performing Stand Up comedy and most recently just became the voice for Lego Harry Potter. His next travel plans will definitely include a hot air balloon!
Claus de Licthenberg
Claus trained as a musical performer at the Danish National School of Performing Arts. This year is his 8th Crazy Christ- mas. Vivienne first hired him as Stage Manager, but when he had to step in as understudy when an actor was sick
and revealed his skills as a singer and dancer, she began to write roles for him. Over the years he has played centurions, pirates, cowboys, Conchita Wurst, a Star Wars robot and this year a Russian spy. He is an extreme sportsman and would love to visit China and learn Kung Fu.
The Around The World Band - Crazy Christmas Cabaret 2018
Stuart Goodstein
This is Stuart’s 10th CCC. Stuart scores international tv-commercials and is the Musical Director for the rewarded show: Revy Perler. He finds time to write, produce and arrange for a wide range of artist and commercial clients. As for travel ? “Along with some romance and bottles of bubbles - someday I’ll fogg off to Paris.”
Søren B. Petersen
Søren - also known as Bom-Bom - is a real London Toastie! He began his career with LTT in 1993 and has now been the Drummer and Sound Effects magician for 23 CCC’s. His other work includes his own touring band “Sørens Orkester”. He is ready this year with his usual assortment of bangs and crashes, punches and farts, if his computer does not fail. His favourite CCC is “Below the Belt” because the band was onstage.
Tom Højlund Olsen
Tom likes to play for grand ladies, so when he isn’t working for Dame Vivienne, he plays for Dronning Margrethe in the Royal Guard. He trained as a classical percussionist and therefore finds it oddly thrilling, that he should finger 4 strings on a bass guitar in the Crazy Christmas Cabaret band.