Crazy Christmas 2017
Planet Rump – The Farce Awakens
In a Galaxy far too close for comfort, a huge orange planet threatens to destroy the known universe …. or not !
Could this be a FAKE phenomenon ?
Vivienne McKee & Co. take you to the edge of sanity and beyond with the 35th Crazy Christmas Show. Seriously silly satire, pithy parody and toe-tapping tunes plus a thrilling voyage launching you from your seats into space and across the cosmos give this show nothing less than a 500 Star rating !
Prepare for a bumpy ride as…. THE FARCE AWAKENS !!
Playing in Glassalen, Tivoli
Nov 14th 2017 - Jan 6th 2018
and of course we will be swingin' by Aarhus
- again at Hermans, Tivoli Friheden
Jan 10th - 13th 2018
The Copenhagen Post
Vivienne McKee has been writing these shows single-handedly, bringing her unique blend of satire, slapstick and musical entertainment to a Danish audience for more than three decades. It is an astonishing feat of theatrical longevity, and one that may never be bested.
Det händer
Det är bara att kapitulera inför ännu ett julspektakel av yppersta märke. Kanske lite väl pratigt på sina ställen men det behövs för att lägga ytterligare anslag för kommande tokerier. Samspelet mellan David Bateson som bl a Ronald Rump och Andrew Jeffers som Princess Liar och Kim Pong Pu visar på att man känner varandra utan och innan vilket ger extra krydda till showen
Danmarksbloggen giver ”Planet Rump, the Farce Awakens” seks ud af seks rumskibe – og vil på det kraftigste opfordre andre til at tage lyssværdet op. For den engelske ”Crazy Christmas Cabaret” er en lifesaver, en del af vores danske jul, som vi ikke vil undvære….ad vide om ikke denne elskelige og i alle sæsonerne gennemgående figur smutter en tur over til Kronborg og snakker Hamlet og andre gode historier med Holger Danske? De to herrer, Dr. Van Helsingør og Holger Danske, er jo nu en integreret del af dansk kulturhistorie.
Bøvset og begavet samfundssatire kammer over i skøn forening og for fuld skrue i det årlige juleshow Crazy Christmas Cabaret: Planet Rump – The farce awakens.….Vivienne Mckee og hendes ensemble i London Toast Theatre har så godt fat i deres publikum, at man næsten ikke kan skelne det ene latterbrøl fra det andet.
Frederiksborg Amts Avis
Om så alle statsministre, præsidenter, diktatorer og rumvæsener gik frem på rad, skulle Vivienne McKee nok få ram på dem i sine crazy-juleforestillinger.
Knud Cornelius.
May the farce be with you! Hyggen er med Crazy Christmas Cabaret…. Og den politiske satire dukker også op her, der og allevegne. Ikke mindst når veteranen David Bateson, man of thousand faces, med udsøgt præcision giver Trump - her diktatoren Ronald Rump - kam til håret. Kosteligt.
Jakob Steen Olsen
Der er noget at fejre. 35 år er meget i teaterbranchen, når samme ildsprudlende kraft har ageret både manuskriptforfatter, instruktør og hovedkraft. Vivienne McKee er ukuelig, og godt ser hun ud, så man faktisk tror på, at hun startede som 10-årig dengang med det først show i kælderen hos CaféTeatret i Skindergade og nu står i sin bedste alder, 45 år gammel, og stadig kan spankulere rundt på scenen som den evige sexbombe i scenografen Kirsten Brinks vittige og overdådige kostumer.
Ulla Strømberg
KOP kultur
Kan det blive jul, hvis man ikke har været til Crazy Christmas Cabaret?
Jeg tror det ikke!…. Jubilæumsshowet skiller sig også ud med nogle ekstraordinært sjove parodier. David Bateson excellerer med den bedste Trump-karitatur, jeg har længe har set. Den er skarp, præcis og fantastisk morsom. Ligesom han fylder Kansler Mærklig's frække lingeri misundelsesværdigt ud.
Michael Svennevig
Der er ingen fine fornemmelser, men det har charme, talent og er underholdende så det basker. Det er umiddelbart, flabet, kantet – og simpelthen sjovt. Det er showtime, og så er det engelsk humor med livrem og seler – eller rettere helt uden. Selvfølgelig er det for meget. Monty Python har ikke levet forgæves. Det er hele pointet. Tænk bare på ”Ab Fab” eller ”Absolutely Fabulous.
Casper Koeller
McKees juleklassiker er skabt på skuldrene af den engelske Panto teater tradition, hvor alt og alle er absurd skørt iscenesat, og selv om det er både aktuelt og med politiske undertoner, er alle på scenen udstyret med navne der kun giver mening fordi de rimer på karakterens virkelige navn, og med vildt overdrevne kostumer. Det er kugleskørt – og afvæbnende skønt.
Ikke at forglemme de mange satiriske og opfindsomme ordspil ud i navne og sætninger samt samfundsaktuelle indslag, der rammer os publikum lige midt i genkendeligheden og rusker kærkomment op i et til tider ret formørket fremtidsperspektiv. Ja, eller tilbage til det, som jeg også tidligere har omtalt i mine anmeldelser, nemlig at publikum inddrages og tiltales direkte. Og sådan kunne jeg såmænd blive ved med at gentage mig selv, hvad dette angår, for alle de her elementer er netop det der gør Crazy Christmas Cabaret til Crazy Christmas Cabaret. De levendegør oplevelsen. Og ja, måske endnu vigtigere, gør det dejligt menneskeligt, og dermed endnu nemmere som publikum, at blive revet med af stemningen på scenen.
Steen Blendstrup Kommunikation
Planet Rump – The Farce Awakens” består prøven som ’den svære 2’er’ efter sidste års succes og står som en værdig jubilæumsforestilling med en masse kærlige referencer til de trofaste ’toasties’. Og så kan den sagtens ses som den første Crazy Christmas Cabaret nogensinde, hvis man bare vil grine ad science fiction-klicheerne og de politiske stikpiller.
Tempoet er højt, og der er kastet mange bolde i luften i denne forestilling, hvor der er et gennemgående plot, og hvor alle skuespillere har 3-5 roller at spille i løbet af de to timer og 30 minutter, som stykket varer.
Hvis du er til kabaretgenrens høje tempo og den form for humor, der appellerer bredt, er en aften i selskab med London Toast Theatres skuespillertrup en underholdende aften. Også selvom du ikke nødvendigvis fanger alle referencerne i det – trods alt – ret omstændelige univers.
Crazy Christmas Cabaret behager sit faste publikum, men byder også nye passagere velkommen om bord til en lidt spacy hyggelig engelsk og tempofyldt rejse.
Drawings by Tove Nørgaard.
Vivienne McKee - DIRECTOR
Vivienne is the founder of the English Theatre of Copenhagen - London Toast Theatre. She writes and directs the Crazy Christmas shows for Tivoli's Christmas season every year. This is her 35th show and she insists that she started to write them at the age of 10. Vivienne also writes, directs and performs in other, substantially more serious plays: recently “Don't Mention Hemingway” and “Shakespeare's Ghost” and Danish TV and Theatre shows , including “Langt fra Las Vegas”, “Ørnen” and “Young Frankenstein - the Musical” for Fredericia Teater. This summer she played Gertrude in “HAMLET” at the Shakespeare Festival at Kronborg Castle. She provides endless information on Danish trains and instructs Agent 47 (David Bateson) to commit violence in the international computer game “Hitman”. Her Stand Up comedy show, “Killing the Danes” is available for weddings and divorces and any international companies who want to understand the Danes. As writer, Vivienne can create any role for herself. This year she has chosen to play Lola Leiberdich, a tough-talking, alcohol-swigging aging alien who possibly had a love child with Ronald Rump. She would be grateful for any offers of counselling!
This is Kirsten’s 30th CCC show - a record in theatre history for a director/designer team. Her inventive CCC costumes and sets are now being exhibited at Teater-museet at Hofteatret. Kirsten graduated from Kolding Kunsthåndværkerskole in 1982 as a set and costume designer and began working with Vivienne in 1988. She has designed for many other theatre companies including Folketeatret, Vendsyssel Teater and “Hjørring Revy”. The next Kirsten Brink set designs can be seen in “Ain’t Misbehavin'” at Vendsyssel Teater, “Mig & Ulf” at Aveny-T, and in “Hjørringrevyen” and “Zirkus Nemo” next summer.
This is Peter's 10th episode of the Crazy Christmas Cabaret and The Force is strong with him this year! His Jedi moves are fierce, fun and funky - and will take you boldly where no man (or woman) has gone before. Peter never stops and already this year, he has choreographed Hjørring , Sønderborg and Kerteminde Revyerne. “Røde Orm” at Moesgaard and “Into the Woods” here in Glassalen. “Dance with me, you will” says Master Peter and you can become his apprentice at - for free! But now buckle up and sit tight in your (rather hard) podracer Glassalen seat and enjoy the show! May the Merry Christmas be with you all!
David Bateson
The Force was particularly strong with David when he moved to Planet Hygge from Planet Brexit in 1990 to escape the Blade Runners! He was warmly welcomed by the Danish Jedi and has been feeling the Hygge ever since! He has appeared in many Danish TV series and films and is the well-known voice of Agent 47 in the worldwide hit computer game, “Hitman” This year he will be bending over backwards to get into ladies clothes to play Angina Mærkelig, while bending over forwards to give Ronald Rump the whole arm! For 27 years, David has been seen in many odd shapes and hilarious disguises playing roles in the Crazy Christmas “party” and he is delighted to be “enriched by all the laughter and fun times and humbled by the enjoyment and love shown over the years by our wonderful audiences.”
Jefferson Bond
Jeff graduated from East 15 Acting School and The Jedi Academy with a first class honours degree in Acting and Physical Theatre specialising in comedy, aerial acrobatics, light sabre repair and robot cleaning. He has appeared internationally and galactically, in feature length films and fringe festivals with various theatre companies and has performed in Shakespeare productions, including Laertes in “Hamlet Live” this summer at Kronborg Castle. He was spotted by Vivienne playing the lead role in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” and asked to shake up Sherwood as Robin Hood in last year’s CCC. Jeff is over the moon to be joining the crazy team again and blast off to a galaxy far far away ...
Bennet Thorpe
Bennet was born at a very early age, and quickly realised that he had made a mistake. However, as the option of returning to where he had come from became more and more remote, he settled for the next best thing; fantasising about living in a galaxy far far away. Luckily he was born in the same year as Star Wars, and this became his primary method of escape. Only when it became apparent to him that beer was a thing did he find another way of leaving reality behind. He also does a bit of acting occasionally, but not necessarily in the 11 CCC shows he has performed in.
Katrine Falkenberg
Katrine trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London in 2003. She released her jazz album “I de Små Timer” with splendid reviews in 2017 and has been touring this summer and fall with great success with Stuart Goodstein. Katrine has appeared in many musicals, shows and bands. She is also a experienced voiceover artist and singer in various commercials and cartoons, recently as the Danish voice of Plumette in “Beauty and the Beast” and as Gertrud in this years Julekalender “Sne- fald” on DR1. This is Katrine’s 10th CCC show, and she is preparing to be crazy the rest of her life. Check out:
Andrew Jeffers
Andrew has been an actor for over 20 years, and has enjoyed dressing up in the elaborate costumes as Vivienne’s “Dame” in no less than 19 CCCs. He appeared in various British TV soaps, plays and musicals before moving permanently to Copenhagen. Now he is a voice-over speaker for commercials and documentaries. Andrew played Polonius in “Hamlet Live” at Kronborg Castle during the summer and his first Danish film, “Den Bedste Mand” came out this Summer. He is this year playing a Princess with big hair, a man who is more machine than human and a funny Korean who wants to blow up the Galaxy. That is a real Star Wars story.
Rasmus Emil Mortensen
Rasmus graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 2011. He has appeared in leading roles in a diverse range of productions including “Hamlet”, “The Crucible” and “Pride and Prejudice”. Rasmus moved back to Denmark in 2015 and has appeared in the plays “Marathon” and “Proof” (That Theatre Company) since his return. It is Rasmus’ first time with the CCC and it is a dream come true to play a Jedi Knight and fight with a light sabre during this intergalactic rollercoaster ride with the Crazy Team on stage at Glassalen.
Claus de Licthenberg
Claus trained as a musical performer at The Danish National School of Performing Arts. This year it is his seventh Crazy Christmas. Since 2010 Vivienne has used his skills both onstage and backstage. During the last few light years he has been multi-tasking as a Roman centurion, an Egyptian mummy, a pirate and best of all, the Eurovision singer, Conchita Wurst. This year in our world of science fantasy, he’s been oiling his joints and polishing his breastplate to play the protocol droid - CThruKeyhole.
Stuart Goodstein
The Crazy Christmas Musical Director is eager to expand your space and ears! As this years key-bender, time-keeper and musical rebellious power-plant Stuart sets the course for infinity and beams you up with beats and bars. When not on missions with Captain Viv, Stuart scores international tv-commercials and is the Musical Director for the rewarded show: Revy Perler. And he gets time to write, produce and arrange for a wide range of artist and commercial clients.
Find out more on
Søren B. Petersen
Søren - also known as Bom-Bom - is a real London Toastie! He began his career with LTT in 1993 and has now been the Drummer and Sound Effects magician for 22 CCC’s. His other work includes his own touring band “Sørens Orkester”. He is ready this year to help you experience a real intergalactic battle inside Glassalen - if his computer does not fail.
Tom Højlund Olsen
Tom likes to play for grand ladies, so when he isn’t working for Dame Vivienne, he plays for Dronning Margrethe in the Royal Guard. He trained as a classical percussionist and therefore finds it oddly thrilling, that he should finger 4 strings on a bass guitar in the Crazy Christmas Cabaret band.